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MSP Tips & Tricks

You want to earn fast and easy Fame on Msp? We show you the best tips and tricks on how to level up faster on MSP!

The 5 best tips:

The most important thing about MSP is to build up a lot of friends over time, find active movie stars that will help you get to level up.

Mutual support, if someone gives you an autograph, try to give autographs as good as possible.
Be nice to all movie stars!

Make as many movies as possible (at least once a day), because with movies you get the most fame.

Let other movie stars play in your films, so you get movie roles as well.

The 3 best tricks:

1. Watch movies yourself: Create on MSP a short film of 10 to 15 seconds goes. Then you create 20 more fake accounts with which you can watch your own films. It is a lot of work to create 20 accounts on MSP, but you can always use the accounts. For every call, you get from MovieStarPlanet 25 Starcoins and 200 Fame if you look at 20 films with your movie you even have a total of 500 Starcoins and 4,000 Fame.


2. Invite friends into your room: Buy as many Boonies as you can and place them in your room. Invite friends into your room, when some friends caress your boonies you get fame. The higher the level of your Bonnie, the more fame you get. The best is to level the animals up to level 100. 


3. Designs Create: Create designs, be creative and make your designs as beautiful as possible. Buy your created design and click "Sell", if someone buys a design you get Fame. Here again is the same rule, the more expensive your design is, the more fame you earn. Your design should have a value of 1000 to 1500 Starcoins if possible.

We hope you've got the tips and tricks to get faster fame on MSP. 

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